Vaccine Scientists-Some History

March 18, 2025
Leslie Parrish Fuchs

This website from the Vaccine Education Center, Childrens’ Hospital of Philadelphia is full of helpful information regarding immunology, vaccines, vaccine history and facts.  This is a competent and credible curation of content for all things vaccines, well perhaps not all but a lot!  Pediatricians and other healthcare providers can offer this as another fantastic source for parents & others to look to for legitimate answers.  One can garner some insight & appreciation for what vaccines have done for humanity simply by reading about the contributions made by these valuable and brilliant minds remembered on the Vaccine History: Scientists-In Memoriam page.  Healthcare providers, vaccine coordinators, and purchasers may find help accessing PBG, Physicians’ Buying Group vaccine discounts through  Joining PBG’s vaccine purchasing group doesn’t require fees, merely an open mind to all the vaccine savings options to choose from.  Become a PracticeWell member for free today.