GSK’s pentavalent n.meningitidis vaccine Penmenvy Approved by FDA
The combination is of GSK’s current ACWY & B serogroup vaccines Menveo & Bexsero.
This approval received last week provides another strategic option for the prevention of this proven deadly & devastating disease. Sharing the impact this bacteria’s infections has shown can be found here. This is an infection that can kill in as little as 24 hours!
Current ACIP recommendations for immunization against n.meningitidis infection caused by serogroups ACWY & B will be reviewed at this upcoming February 26-28th meeting.
Physicians and other healthcare providers may access discount pricing on meningitis vaccines through The Physician Buying Group/PracticeWell vaccine contracts. The Physicians Buying Group/PracticeWell works directly with GSK, Sanofi and Pfizer to provide free access to vaccine savings on Menveo, Bexsero, MenQuadfi, Penbraya ( Pfizer’s pentavalent meningitis groups A, C, W, Y, B vaccine ). Helping medical practices save money on vaccines, medical supplies and other essential services are what PBG/PracticeWell has been doing since 1981.